Dental Implants vs Dental Bridges

What Are Dental Implants and Dental Bridges? 

  • Dental Implants – Dental implants in Millwoods are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials, typically titanium, surgically placed into the jawbone. They are a foundation for replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.
  • Dental Bridges – Dental bridges in Millwoods are prosthetic devices that consist of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) anchored in place by adjacent natural teeth, dental crowns, or dental implants.

Issues They Help With

Dental implants offer a dependable option for restoring missing teeth that are absent or missing in various scenarios, addressing issues like single tooth loss, multiple tooth loss, and even full arch or mouth restoration. They provide a stable and permanent solution.

Dental bridges are primarily used to replace one or more adjacent missing teeth. They bridge the gap the missing teeth create and restore chewing function and aesthetics.

Reasons Dental Implants Are a Good Option

  • Multiple Tooth Loss – Dental implants are ideal when several adjacent teeth are missing. Implants can support a bridge without affecting neighboring healthy teeth.
  • Preserving Jawbone – Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that often occurs with missing teeth. It is particularly beneficial for long-term oral health.
  • Durability – Implants are long-lasting and durable, often providing a permanent solution for tooth replacement.
  • Single Tooth Replacement – While dental bridges can replace a single tooth, dental implants offer a more conservative option by not requiring altering adjacent teeth.

Reasons Dental Bridges Are a Good Option

  • Adjacent Teeth Need Restoration – If the teeth adjacent to the gap require crowns due to extensive damage, a dental bridge can be placed by a dentist in Millwoods to serve a dual purpose by replacing the missing tooth and restoring the damaged teeth.
  • Cost Considerations – Dental bridges can be more cost-effective than multiple dental implants, making them suitable for some patients.

The Process of Receiving Dental Implants 

  1. Schedule a consultation with us at Agape Dental to determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants.
  2. X-rays and impressions are taken to plan implant placement.
  3. Dental implants are strategically positioned within the jawbone through a surgical procedure.
  4. The implants may take a few months to integrate with the bone.
  5. Once integrated, abutments are attached to the implants.
  6. Impressions are taken to create a customized crown, bridge, or denture.
  7. The restoration is attached to the abutments, completing the implant procedure.

The Process of Receiving Dental Bridges

  1. Please schedule a consultation with us at Agape Dental to discuss dental bridge options.
  2. If necessary, the teeth next to the gap are readied by eliminating a section of their enamel to make space for dental crowns.
  3. Molds of your oral cavity are made to craft a personalized bridge.
  4. A temporary bridge may be placed while the permanent one is being fabricated.
  5. Once ready, the permanent bridge is attached to the prepared teeth, anchoring the pontic.

Considering Dental Implants or Bridges From a Dentist Near You?

Schedule a consultation at Agape Dental to discuss dental implants, dental bridges, or related concerns. Our experienced dentists in Millwoods will evaluate your needs and help you choose the most suitable option for restoring your smile and oral function. We look forward to assisting you with your dental needs.