
Although orthodontic treatment can be beneficial to patients of all ages, the most ideal timeframe to start treatment is during the teenage years. During these years, the jawbone is still growing, making it easier to treat orthodontic concerns. Teenagers and young adults will achieve results quicker, and the treatments will be easier to perform compared to adults. The earlier you visit your dentist in Millwoods, the sooner we can detect dental issues and begin treatment.

When should a teenager first visit the orthodontist?

Most of the permanent teeth have erupted by the time your teen turns twelve. This makes it the ideal time to assess your teen’s mouth for any potential bite or teeth misalignment. Typically, most of their friends will also be starting orthodontic treatment around this time, so they won’t have to feel isolated.

What is the ideal option for teenagers?

Your teen is no longer limited to just receiving orthodontic treatment with metal wires and brackets. With new dental technology, we are able to offer Invisalign near you to help straighten your teen’s teeth.

There are many different factors to consider when treating teenagers. They may be more self-conscious about their appearance. However, with Invisalign, they won’t have to compromise their appearance to straighten their teeth! Invisalign utilizes a set of customized clear aligners to gently guide your teen’s teeth into their desired positions. If your teen is interested in receiving Invisalign in Millwoods, please contact us to schedule a consultation.

These clear aligners provide a discrete treatment method. No one else will be able to notice that they are correcting their teeth, so your teen won’t have to feel conscious.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign provides a comfortable method of treatment. There is no lingering discomfort or pain associated with the aligners. You may feel mild discomfort in the first couple of days, but once your teeth get used to the aligners, the pain will disappear. They are an ideal option for teenagers as they require little maintenance. Your teen just needs to continue practicing good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily.

Invisalign also reduces frequent visits to the dentist. Instead of regularly visiting the dentist for adjustments, we will provide you with a full set of aligners. You will change them every two weeks or as directed. You will periodically visit our dentist in Millwoods to check on your progress.

Invisalign is an excellent option to treat orthodontic concerns for teenagers. Not only are they comfortable and easy to maintain, but they are also convenient and won’t cause any disruptions in your teen’s daily activities. However, it is important to note that Invisalign is ideal for treating mild to moderate dental concerns. If you have any questions about receiving Invisalign near you, please contact us.